Tools & Machinery

Arranging Equipment & Tool Estate Sales

If there’s one thing we know about machinery and tools, it’s that guys will always buy more. Even if they already have what they need! It’s easy to understand, then, why so many estates come to us with sizable collections that we can organize into machinery, equipment, modern tool and antique tool auctions.

The Kinds of Tools We Help Sell

Many of the estates we handle include farm and landscaping equipment such as tractors and mowers, as well as other types of equipment. That’s on top of a whole host of hand and shop tools – ranging from the common to the specialized. Getting you a great price for the tools from an estate you’re dealing with requires in-depth knowledge.

Our In-Depth Knowledge

Staff member Patrick Brown is an expert mechanic, tool accumulator and master of organizing and selling tools and equipment in estates. For Patrick and the team at Burns Auction & Appraisal, it’s all about identification and organization. Some guys are organized, some aren’t. But either way, we’ll get things ship-shape and ready for sale.

Estates We've Worked with

We have handled race car shops, machinist’s tools in massive quantities, antique tools, wood shops and everyday tools. Our tool and machinery sales over the years have run the gamut, from discount brands to mountains of Mac and huge collections of Snap-On.

Large Equipment

We handle machinery such as tractors much the same way as we handle vehicles:

  1. We clean them up.
  2. We get them running, if possible.
  3. We take 100 or more photos, along with a demo video.
  4. Then, we market extensively.


Reach Out Today

Interested in our services selling tools and machinery? Reach out to Burns Auction today to learn more.
