Most estates contain jewelry. But rarely is that jewelry sorted, appraised or assessed. And when it’s not, it becomes much more challenging to sell – or even to figure out what it’s worth. At Burns Auction & Appraisal, we know how to sell jewelry at online auction, and can make the experience both hassle-free and profitable for our clients.
Gold and diamond rings are mixed with costume jewelry. White gold is beside sterling silver. Is it a cubic zirconia or a diamond? These questions are difficult for any layperson to answer at any time, and it certainly doesn’t make it any easier when that person is both grieving and trying to sort through a loved one’s personal affairs. That’s where we come in.
Our owner, Adrian Burns, has sorted through thousands upon thousands of pieces of jewelry, testing and assessing to answer all the questions our clients have about them:
Sorting estate jewelry is one of our specialties. And after everything is sorted, we sell on your behalf for top prices. We don’t want to overlook anything that might be valuable in a given estate, no matter how it looks at first glance.
Sure, you can take a jewelry box to a jeweler. But they are unlikely to meticulously sort through it all, and are more than likely to offer you just a fraction of scrap value for what you have. We work on your behalf to get as much as possible for all of your jewelry, including: